We are constantly looking for reinforcement for our event-team!

As one of the lead­ing ser­vice pro­viders in the area of event secur­ity, we offer you inter­est­ing, reg­u­lar and var­ied tasks at vari­ous renowned events in Vienna. We are exclus­ively in charge of the Wien­er Stadthalle, we attend to some of Austria’s largest organ­izers, many sta­di­um con­certs every year as well as many events of the city of Vienna.

Next to the reg­u­lar events like the Sum­mer Night Con­cert, the Vienna Ice Dream, the Fest­iv­al of Joy, the Genuss­fest, the Mist­fest, the Vienna City Mara­thon, the Jazzfest and the Vien­nese New Year’s Eve Trail, we also reg­u­larly provide ser­vices for the con­certs in the Wien­er Stadthalle.

Our main areas of activ­it­ies are among others:

Door checks

Door checks

In order to provide a safe exper­i­ence for pat­rons as well as employ­ees every per­son has to be checked at the doors of the event.

Stage Security

Stage Security

The stage is at the heart of many events and must be pro­tec­ted against unau­thor­ized entry by both employ­ees as well as the public.

Cash desk and Cloakroom

Cash desk and Cloakroom

Well-trained staff is required not only for the safe­keep­ing and return­ing of items, but also for the selling of tick­ets with com­puter systems.



The setup and dis­mant­ling pro­cess at events must be guarded by reli­able staff 24/7. Gates at the event have to be con­trolled as well.

Backstage- and artist security

Backstage- and artist security

The back­stage area and the dress­ing rooms are the home of the artists. They have to be well pro­tec­ted from the arrival until the depar­ture of the tour crew.

Visitor guidance and -information

Visitor guidance and ‑information

Event secur­ity does not only mean to guard and con­trol but also to lead, inform and sup­port our par­tons. We take sev­er­al ser­vice tasks as well.

Special services for special events

Special services for special events

Spe­cial events often require spe­cific­ally trained staff for spe­cial tasks, e.g. ice skat­ing stew­ards, stage hands, drivers or artist man­age­ment assistants.

VIP-areas and VIP-management

VIP-areas and VIP-management

For the guard­ing of VIP-areas or the hand­ling of VIP-spe­cial activ­it­ies (e.g. early entries at con­certs) spe­cially trained staff is necessary.


Our requirements

  • at least 18 years of age
  • a good repute
  • enthu­si­asm, reli­ab­il­ity and punctuality
  • friendly and neat appearance
  • and above all joy in deal­ing with people


We also invite eld­erly people to apply to us, as they can com­ple­ment our team with their wealth of experience.

What we offer

Time and task-flex­ible work oppor­tun­it­ies in the excit­ing world of events and live-entertainments.

Above col­lect­ive agree­ment wages:
We pay from 13,50 EUR/gross/hour (incl. UE & addi­tion­al allow­ance) on the basis of day­wise employment.

As an explan­a­tion: “Son­der­kollekt­iv­ver­trag Veranstaltungssicherheitsdienste”
(EUR 11,77 gross/h + 9,58% “Urlaub­ser­satzleis­tung” = EUR 12,90 gross/h (incl. UE) as of 2023)

Recent Events

A few examples of upcoming event in the next months.

Erste Bank Open

Erste Bank Open

Sa, 19. – So, 27.10.2024
Wiener Stadthalle



Sa, 02.11.2024
Raiffeisen Halle, Gasometer

Nico Santos

Nico Santos

Mo, 04.11.2024
Wiener Stadthalle

Eistraum am Wiener Christkindlmarkt

Eistraum am Wiener Christkindlmarkt

Sa, 16.11. – Do, 26.12.2024


If you are inter­ested, we ask you to send us your com­pre­hens­ive applic­a­tion incl. CV and photo to jobs@se2.at!


You can use the form on the right to send us your details.


Upon receipt of your applic­a­tion, our staff depart­ment will pro­cess your request immediately.


The first step is a staff-cast­ing with oth­er applic­ants in our office. Here we want to get to know all of you. On this occa­sion you will get a gen­er­al intro­duc­tion on the intern­al pro­cesses and the basic rules of our work.


We are look­ing for­ward to your application!
