But one requires the research­er to provide evid­ence. For example, if it is the dis­cov­ery of a large moun­tain, it is required that he bring large stones.“ 

Ant­oine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–44), Avi­at­or and Author from France

Exper­i­ence has been the usu­al stand­ard for qual­i­fic­a­tion and know-how of an event secur­ity ser­vice pro­vider in the ini­tial three dec­ades of this highly spe­cial­ized branch of business.

This still rep­res­ents the most import­ant basis for estab­lished organ­izers and author­it­ies. How­ever, an under­stand­ing has developed in recent years that jus­ti­fi­ably calls for stand­ards based on sci­entif­ic principles.

Proven oper­at­ive and leg­al found­a­tions are abso­lutely neces­sary in order to enable a use­ful standardization.

Se2 sup­ports this devel­op­ment through act­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion in nation­al and inter­na­tion­al research pro­jects. We do this in order to enable the con­tinu­ous improve­ment of qual­ity based on empir­ic­al results.


If you are look­ing for a part­ner who sup­ports your sci­entif­ic work, please con­tact us!

Aktuelle Forschung


Pro­VOD – estab­lish­ment and pro­fes­sion­al­iz­a­tion of event safety staff as an autonom­ous branch of the private secur­ity industry

They rep­res­ent the quant­it­at­ively strongest pil­lar of the secur­ity archi­tec­ture of major events: the event safety staff (VOD). They are respons­ible for a smooth pro­cess of an event as well as for the orderly clear­ance. With the increase of large-scale events and a grow­ing poten­tial for con­flict and risk, the guar­an­tee of secur­ity and order dur­ing an event has become a sig­ni­fic­ant area of responsibility.

Included are not only the clas­sic secur­ity tasks, but — in the con­text of a mod­ern under­stand­ing of secur­ity — also the hand­ling of crowds as well as their con­trol and direction.

The guid­ance of pat­rons, the so-called “crowd man­age­ment”, as well as the exe­cu­tion of the meas­ures of the emer­gency organ­iz­a­tions are tasks that come along with the duty of being respons­ible for every pat­ron. The guests place their per­son­al safety into the hands of the com­pet­ent forces in the course of the event. This remit does not fit into a branch, which is cur­rently char­ac­ter­ized by a min­im­um wage struc­ture, miss­ing con­tex­tu­al qual­i­fic­a­tion and a bad repu­ta­tion due to the neg­at­ive report­ing in public.

It is the over­all object­ive of the net­work Pro­VOD — next to the defin­i­tion and qual­i­fic­a­tion of the sub-sec­tor — to sound out the prob­lems and issues in an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary net­work with the involve­ment of all rel­ev­ant par­ti­cipants. Part of the over­all object­ive is fur­ther­more to devel­op solu­tion approaches and, thus, help to increase com­pet­it­ive­ness (nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally) by devel­op­ing pro­fes­sion­al struc­tures of a hitherto rather weakly con­toured, yet eco­nom­ic­ally rel­ev­ant industry.

The improve­ment of the gen­er­al con­di­tions and the skill require­ments for the VOD, in com­bin­a­tion with equal­iz­a­tion of the ‘assist­ing pro­fes­sions’ in the pub­lic per­cep­tion can help to reduce turnover and min­im­um employ­ment in the long term. Like­wise, the improve­ment of organ­iz­a­tion­al work con­di­tions and the devel­op­ment of qual­i­fic­a­tion con­cepts also serve the improve­ment of safety with­in the work­ing con­text itself: that is, to improve the safety of the events.


Source: https://www.buk.uni-wuppertal.de/projekte/laufende-projekte/provod.html

Bisherige Beteiligungen


As part of EVIVA, inter­na­tion­al innov­at­ive meth­ods are being developed which enable the recog­ni­tion of situ­ations of poten­tial danger, facil­it­ate fast decision-mak­ing for secur­ity meas­ures and danger pre­ven­tion, and ulti­mately sup­port the exe­cu­tion of meas­ures as well as sup­port the assess­ment of the suc­cess of the meas­ures undertaken.

The innov­a­tions of the pro­jects lie in the use of air­borne sensors sys­tems, the devel­op­ment of com­plex algorithms for the eval­u­ation of video- and thermal data for the assess­ment of the move­ment pat­terns of crowds, the auto­mat­ic video pos­i­tion­ing as well as the con­struc­tion of an integ­rated man­age­ment cen­ter to ensure that the staff can provide an effect­ive secur­ity management.

Se2 Solu­tions GmbH was an asso­ci­ated part­ner at EVIVA.

Safe Crowds

Event driv­en Sys­tem for situ­ation aware Evac­u­ation and Guid­ance (Pro­pos­al)

The over­all object­ive of evac­u­ation and guid­ance sys­tems is to lim­it the effects of an incid­ent for people to a min­im­um. SafeC­rowds tar­gets a new and com­pre­hens­ive sys­tem util­ising the poten­tial of an event driv­en approach to integ­rate man­age­ment and sup­port­ing tech­no­logy capabilities.

With­in the emer­gency man­age­ment cycle espe­cially pre­par­a­tion & pro­tec­tion as well as response have to be enhanced. There­fore object­ives of the SafeC­rowds approach are:

  • Adapt­ive evac­u­ation sys­tem for dynam­ic situations
  • Mul­timod­al inform­a­tion integ­ra­tion and provision
  • Usable mul­ti­me­dia inform­a­tion shar­ing and visualization
  • Mobile and pub­lic use in com­ple­ment­ary scenarios
  • Optim­al evac­u­ation and guid­ance strategies