Se2 stands for a friendly team of qual­i­fied pro­fes­sion­als with the aim of provid­ing fault­less ser­vices in the areas of event secur­ity and crowd man­age­ment and to fur­ther their rel­ev­ance in this spe­cial area.


The secur­ity of all people at an event is cent­ral to our actions.”


The vis­it­ors, the artists as well as our employ­ees are there­fore at the cen­ter of our efforts.

Our approach to the design and man­age­ment of secur­ity ser­vices, espe­cially at large-scale events, is there­fore com­pre­hens­ive. Reli­ab­il­ity and flex­ib­il­ity are the most import­ant pre­requis­ites for this task. Detailed and coordin­ated plan­ning in advance is a mat­ter of course for us.


Crowd Man­age­ment is not just a buzzword for us.”


We plan ahead for our vis­it­ors, we lead and dir­ect them, we help them. Our think­ing and our actions have the primary goal to ensure a safe and pleas­ant event for our vis­it­ors. This effort begins on the way to the ven­ue and ends not until the last guest has left the area.

Qual­i­fied and motiv­ated employ­ees are the basis of our and your suc­cess. The con­tinu­ous devel­op­ment of our employ­ees, through an inter­na­tion­ally stand­ard­ized train­ing concept, is the most sig­ni­fic­ant intern task for us. It is the basis of the qual­ity that we can offer you, at small or major events, nation­ally and internationally.

We show com­mit­ment — always and everywhere.”


Exe­cu­tion without pri­or plan­ning is not an option for us. We are not only com­mit­ted to our own devel­op­ment, but also to the devel­op­ment of the whole industry. We cooper­ate with inter­na­tion­al industry lead­ers to fur­ther the devel­op­ment of transna­tion­al stand­ards. In addi­tion, we are involved in asso­ci­ations and we par­ti­cip­ate in research. Research is essen­tial for us in order to achieve bet­ter stand­ards and to devel­op more reas­on­able leg­al found­a­tions. Thus it is pos­sible for us to ful­fil high­er demands


We have been serving many of our cus­tom­ers for more than 20 years.”


Sev­er­al dec­ades of exper­i­ence, com­bined with a con­tinu­ous pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment, enable us to provide a com­pre­hens­ive and at the same time well-foun­ded range of secur­ity ser­vices for events of all scales today.

The con­stant devel­op­ment of our ser­vices has made us the long­stand­ing part­ner of many renowned Aus­tri­an and inter­na­tion­al event organizers.

Wheth­er con­cert, fest­iv­al, sports event or pub­lic event: with Se2 you have chosen the right and com­pet­ent part­ner for every occasion.

We have com­piled a small selec­tion guide for organ­izers that should assist in the choice of a suit­able secur­ity partner.