Who We Are

Who We Are

Se2 stands for a friendly team of qual­i­fied pro­fes­sion­als with the aim of provid­ing fault­less ser­vices in the areas of event secur­ity and crowd man­age­ment as well as the advance­ment of research in these domains. Because of our flex­ib­il­ity and long-term exper­i­ence we are the right part­ner for every event.

What We Do

What We Do

We are at the fore­front of both research and devel­op­ment. We are com­mit­ted to under­stand­ing the nature of crowds and to incor­por­ate the res­ults of our find­ings into our enhanced oper­at­ive tech­niques. Se2 is coun­ted among the mar­ket lead­ers in event secur­ity, espe­cially con­cern­ing con­sult­ing and staff.

Join Our Team

Join Our Team

Become part of our team and accom­plish inter­est­ing, reg­u­lar and var­ied tasks at vari­ous renowned events. We are always look­ing for motiv­ated and flex­ible employ­ees who want to exper­i­ence the world of events from the oth­er side. Jobs are flex­ible, you can choose how much you want to work with us!

Recent Events


Sun, 23. + Wed, 26.06.2024 Ernst Hap­pel Stadion

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Lido Sounds

Thu, 27. – Sun, 30.06.2024 Urfahr­markt, Linz Donauufer

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Thu, 27. – Sat, 29.06.2024 Ehren­hof, Schloss Schönbrunn

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Rolling Loud

Fri, 05. – Sun, 07.07.2024 Racino, Ebreichsdorf

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Paul Kalkbrenner

Wed, 24.07.2024 METAStadt

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Mi, 21. – So, 25.08.2024 Ernst Hap­pel Stadion

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Did we spark you interest?


Are you look­ing for an expert and suit­able secur­ity or crowd man­age­ment part­ner for your event?


Get in touch and we will quickly respond and con­tact you!


Send us applic­a­tions dir­ectly under Join Our Team!


Do you prefer to send us an email?


Gen­er­al mat­ters to office@se2.at

Human resource mat­ters or applic­a­tions to jobs@se2.at
