Crowd Management

Crowd Management

Se2 advises cli­ents in the areas of crowd flow ana­lys­is and crowd man­age­ment – not only at events. Crowd safety plan­ning is one of our key strengths. 

Event Security

Event Security

Se2 under­takes the organ­iz­a­tion and exe­cu­tion of event secur­ity at events of all areas. This not only includes staff but also man­age­ment capabilities.



Se2 con­siders itself as a staff part­ner for cus­tom­ers. But while secur­ity staff is our main area, we are part­ner in many oth­er areas as well.

Other Services

Other Services

Se2 can offer mater­i­al, traffic signs, elec­tron­ic aids like radio or CCTV as well as a lim­ousine ser­vice thanks to vari­ous exper­i­enced partners.

Crowd Management & Consulting

In Aus­tria we are in the front­line in research as well as in devel­op­ment. The aim of the research is to bet­ter under­stand crowds of people and to incor­por­ate the res­ults in enhanced oper­at­ive techniques.


Crowd Man­age­ment places the pat­ron cen­ter stage.”



Ven­ue plan­ning is on the one hand influ­enced by the type of the event and the loc­a­tion itself but also by the crowd pro­file. It is also driv­en by the avail­able space. Regard­ing space, one has to con­sider cir­cu­la­tion areas, entrances, exits, emer­gency routes and bottlenecks.


The main­ten­ance of self-com­pet­ence of every single pat­ron is an import­ant issue in work­ing with crowds. It is estab­lished by ori­ent­a­tion assist­ance, the pos­sib­il­ity of gath­er inform­a­tion and a high level of vis­ib­il­ity of inform­a­tion. Inform­a­tion spread­ing is way more than signs on walls.


The sum of all meas­ures to improve the guid­ing of crowds is a com­bin­a­tion of the right equip­ment, qual­i­fied staff and adap­ted com­mu­nic­a­tion struc­tures. All meas­ures should be planned pre­cisely upfront and have to be real­is­able fast dur­ing the event.

Crowd Safety Planning

High-qual­ity events hold a range of unique secur­ity chal­lenges. Our pro­ject man­agers cooper­ate with the loc­a­tion man­agers, organ­izers and author­it­ies in order to devel­op indi­vidu­al crowd man­age­ment plans that fore­ground the eco­nom­ic and real­ist­ic exe­cu­tion of measures.

Per­son­nel­wise, mech­an­ic and tech­nic­al secur­ity meas­ures are adap­ted to the pro­file of the crowd as well as the loc­a­tion and are dis­played clearly. Detailed instruc­tions for emer­gen­cies, as well as a detailed pos­i­tion plan­ning are part of every safety concept along with oth­er components.

Traffic- and sig­nage con­cepts com­ple­ment the secur­ity concept significantly.

Other Concepts

Traffic Concept

Dur­ing the plan­ning of an event par­tic­u­lar atten­tion should be paid to the expec­ted traffic con­di­tions. The right pre­par­a­tion of the traffic concept is essen­tial in order to cre­ate a pos­it­ive event exper­i­ence for the pat­rons as soon as they arrive and also later on their depar­ture. Accord­ing to the traffic code, traffic safety and ‑flow are the cri­ter­ia by which the offi­cial meas­ures have to be taken.

For the pro­fes­sion­al hand­ling of the traffic at an event it is neces­sary to have a tech­nic­ally cor­rect plan for the traffic. It is vital to use an exper­i­enced team for the exe­cu­tion of the traffic meas­ures. We accom­pany the organ­izers in the imple­ment­a­tion and also carry out the traffic meas­ures with our own staff and mater­i­al if necessary.

Signage Concept

Sig­nage is an essen­tial part of a suc­cess­ful crowd man­age­ment. The cre­ation of sep­ar­ate sig­nage is neces­sary espe­cially in more com­plex envir­on­ments or ter­rain-related longer routes. But even in seem­ingly open envir­on­ments an intu­it­ive and eas­ily recog­niz­able sig­nage must be well planned and executed. An adequate light­ning at events in the even­ing, for example, is part of the com­plete concept.

Se2 has dec­ade-long exper­i­ence in dir­ect­ing of crowd flows. Man­age­ment strategies are part of the mod­ern sig­nage con­cepts which meet the require­ments of the respect­ive event and which guar­an­tee a smooth pro­cess. The order, pre­par­a­tion, install­a­tion and dis­man­tel­ing of the sig­nage can be also be car­ried out by us.

Event Security and Stewarding

Se2 is among the mar­ket lead­ers of event secur­ity. A high degree of flex­ib­il­ity as well as dec­ades of exper­i­ence char­ac­ter­izes our com­pany. The focus lies on provid­ing a unique exper­i­ence for our pat­rons at every event. Se2 does not con­sider itself as being a sheer secur­ity part­ner, but as a com­plete ser­vice part­ner of the organ­izer. In that respect it is import­ant to stress that every secur­ity staff can and must per­form ser­vice tasks as well. Because secur­it­ies are the first point of con­tact for the pat­rons, they are much more than mere guards. They sup­port, coun­sel and lead pat­rons through­out the entire course of the event.


Due to our many years of exper­i­ence we have gained a wealth of exper­i­ence that cov­ers con­certs of vari­ous genres. The chal­lenge about con­certs is that many aspects of mod­ern secur­ity plan­ning and imple­ment­a­tion meet. Se2 is usu­ally on-site right from the begin­ning in order to guard the area, the con­struc­tion site and the equip­ment. On the day of the con­cert our ser­vices include crowd man­age­ment meas­ures, artist- and back­stage assist­ance as well as pat­ron checks at the doors.

The assist­ance of VIPs or the hand­lings of upscale con­certs are always being met by our Se2 staff to highest cus­tom­er sat­is­fac­tion. Also included are fam­ily events such as Hol­i­day on Ice, Mon­ster­fre­unde or Ehr­lich Brothers.

The selec­tion of staff com­prises a very import­ant role at con­certs, espe­cially with regard to these dif­fer­ent areas. The wide range of the Se2 staff pool enables the selec­tion of the right staff accord­ing to the dif­fer­ent tasks.

From small con­certs in clubs right up to aren­as or sta­di­ums, Se2 is the right part­ner in any case. The spec­trum of our super­vised con­certs ranges from James Blunt to Rammstein, Chris Rea up to AC/DC, Cold­play, Thirty Seconds to Mars and many more.

Venue and Promoter Security

In the cen­ter of the live enter­tain­ment industry are the ven­ues, in which the events take place, as well as the organ­izers, which the artists hire.

Pos­sible ser­vices can be solely the on-site event secur­ity as well as the loc­al sup­port of an extern secur­ity pro­vider of the assigned organ­izer. The com­bin­a­tion of loc­al man­power and nation­al and inter­na­tion­al know-how is, in that respect, of cru­cial importance.

We have a lot of exper­i­ence with inter­na­tion­al stand­ards that we share with the loc­al team through our use of qual­i­fied super­visors and man­agers. We sup­port the oper­at­ors and organ­izers in a human resource devel­op­ment at a high level.

Se2 is the exclus­ive secur­ity part­ner of the Wien­er Stadthalle since autumn 2016. We reg­u­larly sup­port many oth­er organ­izers in the exe­cu­tion of events in vari­ous ven­ues through­out Austria.

Reli­able con­tacts, com­pet­ent plan­ning right from the begin­ning, learned exe­cu­tion and pro­found loc­al know­ledge; there are many reas­ons to put your hall or ven­ue into our hands.

Public Events

Pub­lic events are char­ac­ter­ized by its free admis­sion as well as an in that respect pro­moted cul­tur­al and polit­ic­al purpose.

The spec­trum of such events ranges from loc­al Christ­mas mar­kets and street fest­ivals to more elab­or­ate events such as large pub­lic viewings.

The num­ber of vis­it­ors at pub­lic events is often unrate­able due to the typ­ic­al char­ac­ter­ist­ics of such events. This, as well as oth­er fea­tures, makes pub­lic events very challenging.

Optim­al ser­vices and solu­tions can be ensured through com­pre­hens­ive plan­ning and reg­u­lar com­mu­nic­a­tion between all decision makers.

Our reli­able employ­ees cooper­ate effect­ively with loc­al author­it­ies and are able to make quick decisions in unstable situ­ations with extraordin­ary flexibility.

Other Events

Sporting Events

The pat­ron-pro­file at sport­ing events var­ies greatly, depend­ing on the sport and the ven­ue. Through indi­vidu­al solu­tions and the act­ive man­age­ment of dynam­ic crowds we take this fact into account.

The strong emo­tions of pat­rons play an import­ant role at sport­ing events. The com­pet­it­ive atmo­sphere shapes the pub­lic pro­file addi­tion­ally. A soc­cer match, for example, requires com­pletely dif­fer­ent meas­ures than a run­ning event. The loc­a­tion plays a cru­cial role as well. Sta­di­ums with a fixed and soph­ist­ic­ated infra­struc­ture, streets in cit­ies or green fields are just a few examples of pos­sible ven­ues for vari­ous sport­ing events. We have the adequate strategy for every circumstance.

Corporate Events

Se2 is aware of the dif­fer­ent and grow­ing needs of large and small cor­por­ate events. Focus­ing on the idea of a per­fect ser­vice, our employ­ees ensure suc­cess­ful cor­por­ate appear­ances at inter­na­tion­al brand events as well as at fest­iv­it­ies of loc­al com­pan­ies of all busi­ness areas. Our ser­vice is as diverse as the needs of our extens­ive cus­tom­er port­fo­li­os. Each solu­tion for the event is being developed in close cooper­a­tion with the people responsible.

Our exper­i­enced pro­ject man­agers help to take into account all of the details. They work in order to ful­fill the desired appear­ance and optim­ize all oper­at­ive meas­ures in advance. Through this cooper­a­tion, a spec­tac­u­lar exper­i­ence for your guests can come true.

Conferences and Fairs

Our employ­ees stand out due to the attent­ive assist­ance of all con­fer­ence par­ti­cipants and patrons.

Accred­it­a­tion sys­tems are explained in an eas­ily under­stand­able way, while sim­ul­tan­eously being kept under close inspection.

Through this ser­vice-ori­ented way of work­ing, we allow par­ti­cipants and pat­rons to pay full atten­tion to the content.

Our inform­a­tion-host­esses ensure a pos­it­ive first impres­sion at the reception.

We assist and sup­port the pat­rons through­out the whole course of the con­fer­ence or the exhib­i­tion. Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism is nat­ur­al for us as is a well-groomed appearance.


Se2 owns a com­pre­hens­ive data­base due to our exper­i­ence with high num­bers of employ­ees. This data­base holds, in addi­tion to our core com­pet­ence event secur­ity, also a num­ber of oth­er qual­i­fic­a­tions for the event area.

Per­son­al inter­views, nation­wide cast­ings and qual­i­fy­ing train­ing ses­sions before every assign­ment secure the last­ing qual­ity of our employ­ees. On this our cus­tom­ers can rely upon from event to event. We are con­tinu­ously expand­ing our lead­er­ship pos­i­tion in the area of staff qual­ity because of the per­man­ent devel­op­ment of our train­ings and the per­form­ance-based selec­tion our staff.

Event Staff

Our core com­pet­ence is event secur­ity but we tra­di­tion­ally accom­pany vari­ous oth­er per­son­nel areas at events as well. Through our IT-aided qual­ity man­age­ment and book­ing sys­tem we can guar­an­tee that the employ­ees meet the high demands in all ser­vice areas.

A broad spec­trum of com­pet­ence is required in the com­plex oper­a­tion of mod­ern events. Because of the high flex­ib­il­ity of our employ­ees and the extens­ive pool of staff, we are able to meet all require­ments. In addi­tion to tra­di­tion­al stage­hands, Se2 has a pool of proven employ­ees for almost every ser­vice task. For example, gen­er­al assist­ants, site crew, fork­lift drivers, run­ners, lim­ousine drivers, ward­robe assist­ants, cashiers, cloak­room staff and cater­ing staff.

Promotion Staff

Se2’s pro­mo­tion staff is part of the lead­ing fair- and pro­mo­tion staff nation­ally. With a pool of qual­i­fied fair host­esses, hosts and pro­mo­tion work­ers we man­age every appear­ance pro­fes­sion­ally, thereby meet­ing the highest stand­ards in the selec­tion of staff.

Our pro­ject man­agers are your con­tact per­son in all mat­ters through­out the entire dur­a­tion of the pro­ject. They have years of exper­i­ence in the super­vi­sion of fair stands as well as pro­mo­tion­al cam­paigns with over hun­dred crew mem­bers. Spe­cially trained VIP-host­esses are avail­able for the assist­ance of import­ant pub­lic fig­ures, cus­tom­ers, hon­or­ary guests or busi­ness part­ners. They are mul­ti­lin­gual, dis­tin­guished and are also reg­u­larly pre­pared for your event- and fair appear­ance in the form of coachings.

Staff Management guar­an­tees a con­tinu­ing qual­ity devel­op­ment of all staff and an up-to-date feed­back cul­ture for every­body involved.

All staff mem­bers are informed of job oppor­tun­it­ies at the same time. Every employ­ee can then decide on their per­son­al effort and the place of the assign­ment. Rel­ev­ant inform­a­tion of forth­com­ing assign­ments, the mon­et­ary set­tle­ment of past assign­ments up to the work­ing law doc­u­ments are provided in an employ­ee portal for every staff mem­ber in a trans­par­ent, clear and up-to-date way.

Other Event Services

Limousine Services

Se2 meets the needs of inter­na­tion­al tour busi­nesses with dis­cre­tion as well as an effi­cient organ­iz­a­tion of artist- and band shuttle ser­vices. Inter­na­tion­al top names of the music and show busi­ness trust in our expert­ise, which is also being appre­ci­ated in the con­text of con­gress events and festivals.

The rent­al of spe­cial vehicles enables us to cope with any chal­lenge, no mat­ter if it is of a logist­ic nature or a fancy vehicle request.

For coordin­at­ing pur­poses a pro­ject man­ager is assigned to each indi­vidu­al assign­ment. He coordin­ates the rides with the cus­tom­ers. The pro­ject man­ager also ensures that everything runs smoothly start­ing from the desired visu­al appear­ance to the bever­age sup­ply in the vehicles.


Well con­sidered sig­nage makes effect­ive and pro­fes­sion­al crowd man­age­ment pos­sible in the first place. The oper­at­ive exec­ut­ives of Se2 com­bine dec­ades of exper­i­ence in man­aging pat­rons flows with mod­ern con­cepts. They ensure their planned and secure execution.

In the appro­pri­ate sig­nage, the design of the used sign­posts often plays an under­es­tim­ated role. In addi­tion to col­or and adequate size, spe­cial assign­ments may also require vari­able elec­tron­ic screens.

We cre­ate tail­or-made con­cepts for the vis­it­ors of all arrival vari­ants, we design and pro­duce the neces­sary tools and we carry out all meas­ures on site.


In the mech­an­ic­al field, high-qual­ity solu­tions to sup­port crowd man­age­ment by the secur­ity team have been developed in recent years. The high demands on pro­fes­sion­al event equip­ment become vis­ible espe­cially in areas with high num­ber of patrons.

The right mater­i­al for all areas and bar­ri­ers should be selec­ted in accord­ance with the place of use, the audi­ence pro­file and the nature of the event itself. Our cus­tom­ers have the choice between high con­struc­tion fences, bike racks, floor cov­er, stage bar­ri­cades, entrance sys­tems as well as cable bridges, tensa-bar­ri­er, among many others.

Through our spe­cial­ized part­ners in mater­i­al, we can always offer our cus­tom­ers suit­able and high-qual­ity material.

Traffic Signs

The install­a­tion of traffic signs allows the exe­cu­tion of the neces­sary and desired traffic meas­ures at an event. In the simplest cases, this involves the con­struc­tion of no stop­ping zones. In the most com­plex scen­ari­os, such as large run­ning events, traffic in the city is tem­por­ar­ily diver­ted and changed.

We have many years of exper­i­ence in set­ting up tem­por­ary traffic meas­ures. Thereby we under­take all of the neces­sary assign­ments: from the rent­al of the traffic signs up to the install­a­tion accord­ing to the under­ly­ing decision. This includes all logist­ic­al plan­nings and pre­par­a­tions as well as hir­ing the adequate cars.

Se2 guar­an­tees the sat­is­fac­tion of the author­it­ies by means of our proven pro­ject man­agers. This relieves our cus­tom­ers thoroughly.

Electronic Aids

Sup­port­ive elec­tron­ic meas­ures increas­ingly help to meet the require­ments of mod­ern crowd man­age­ment. The inform­a­tion extrac­ted from live-images gains more import­ance nowadays, as do new com­mu­nic­a­tion meth­ods. Se2 strives to offer innov­at­ive new ser­vices in this area through intens­ive cooper­a­tion with lead­ing tech­no­logy companies.

Visual Support

Advant­ages con­cern­ing optic­al inform­a­tion are accom­plished most of all through the digit­al pro­cessing of the image mater­i­al. The cooper­a­tion with lead­ing European com­pan­ies guar­an­tees an optim­al solu­tion for our customers.

Cam­er­as effi­ciently enhance the basis for decision-mak­ing of the respons­ible secur­ity coordin­at­ors through live-images. They enable the iden­ti­fic­a­tion of crit­ic­al dens­it­ies in the audi­ence in advance and ensure the timely ini­ti­ation of the appro­pri­ate measures.

Soft­ware-provided inform­a­tion is highly depend­ent on the qual­ity of the trans­mis­sion. The choice of suit­able equip­ment is determ­ined by the scope of the desired as well as neces­sary inform­a­tion and is, there­fore, vari­able accord­ing to the nature of the task.

We are happy to advice you on every step of the con­cep­tion. Togeth­er with our part­ners we under­take the exe­cu­tion of the measures.

Video sur­veil­lance soft­ware enables the effi­cient pro­cessing of image inform­a­tion provided by video sys­tems and is effect­ively used when a high dens­ity of people emerges. In the field of video soft­ware we cooper­ate with the most innov­at­ive Aus­tri­an sup­pli­er of this highly spe­cial­ized segment.

Calculation and Communication

The developed soft­ware solu­tions enable auto­mated vis­it­or count­ing, crowd ana­lys­is and pat­rons dens­ity estim­a­tion, dir­ec­tion ana­lys­is and alarms, optic­al peri­met­er secur­ity, vehicle count­ing as well as facial recog­ni­tion. These thech­niques are used in mod­ern event con­trol rooms.

Con­cern­ing the applied innov­at­ive solu­tions it is cru­cial that the pri­vacy of the vis­it­ors is optim­ally pro­tec­ted. It is also import­ant that the admin­is­trat­ive bur­den in the area of data pro­tec­tion is minimized.

The inter­ac­tion of vari­ous com­pan­ies and pat­rons on extens­ive grounds proves to be very chal­len­ging, espe­cially in the event sec­tor. Indi­vidu­al radio solu­tions are ideal for this chal­lenge and have been used as stand­ard for many years.

We have radio devices to cov­er intern­al com­mu­nic­a­tion. The cor­rect hand­ling is guar­an­teed through the stand­ard­ised train­ing of our employees.

The integ­ra­tion of radio into one com­plete solu­tion for all event areas is of vital import­ance, espe­cially at large events. Se2 ensures — togeth­er with tech­nic­al part­ners — an indi­vidu­al design of the net­work, the pro­vi­sion of end devices as well as the tech­nic­al imple­ment­a­tion adap­ted to the respect­ive requirements.